Benefits of chlorophyll.

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Because chlorophyll is more popular nowadays. It claims to have health benefits in many areas. And according to scientific evidence. What are the benefits of chlorophyll? What are the facts? 

Reduce unwanted odors from the body

Bad breath and body odor are problems that greatly affect your personality and confidence. Chlorophyll has the effect of being a natural deodorant. Therefore, it is expected that exposure to chlorophyll may help reduce bad breath and body odor. But this property is only the result of relatively limited studies  UFABET

In education, this substance has been used to treat disease. Trimethylaminuria or known in the language as smelly body odor It is a disease caused by abnormalities in metabolism. Makes the body unable to digest Trimethylamine. which is a foul smelling substance. As a result, the patient’s body smells like rotten eggs, rotten fish, or waste products coming out through sweat, breath, and waste, causing a huge impact on life. From the study it was found that The use of Chlorophyllin or synthetic chlorophyll in dietary supplement form may help reduce the symptoms of this disease and improve the quality of life of patients. 

However, these properties are only in the experimental stage. Therefore, much additional study is required. Because the study results and scientific evidence from such trials are not sufficient to confirm efficacy.

Good for the intestines.

Chlorophyllin substance is a substance that is beneficial to the function and health of the intestines. Especially constipation that results from illness. The doctor may prescribe chlorophyllin. As an additional treatment for those who are constipated due to spinal cord injury. Colon cancer,  mental illness, terminally ill patients and those treated with abdominal surgery to remove waste.

In addition, exposure to chlorophyllin may help fight inflammation within the intestines. Mice with liver fibrosis can also be used. But the anti-inflammatory properties have only been tested on animals. Therefore, it is still not possible to confirm the properties of this substance if it is used in humans.